Monday, August 27, 2007

Guess who made an A on her first test!

Well, the studying must have paid off, because I made an A on my first test! (Biochemistry). The girls I mentioned in my last post and I all met at one of their apartments on Friday afternoon to study. We made lasagna and salad, and had garlic bread with it. Also, my birthday was Thursday (I turned 29) and another girl's birthday was on Tuesday, so we had a WONDERFUL chocolate cake. We studied that night and then we all met at my house on Saturday. We got a lot of studying done, and two of the girls even spent the night (husband wasn't home this weekend).

I am really enjoying dental school so far, but I am so BUSY!


Strawberry said...

hi! nice site.
visit me
and also my counsin's site

Jenny said...

Congratulations on your first of many successful tests!

It's nice to have such a supportive and fun group of girls!!

Trish J said...

Yay for an A!

Jenny said...

Woo Hoo! Congrats on that first A!

Rusti said...

Happy birthday! Congrats on your A!! I wish I had been there with you - I LOVE lasagna!! :)

Mrs. T2 said...

Congrats on the A!!! That is great!!! Be sure to celebrate!!!

Enjoy your week!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! That's great! Hope to hear about a lot more As after this!

Heather said...

That's awesome, good for you! :) Sounds like you have a good group of friends which is so important.