Saturday, August 18, 2007

One Week Done

Hi! My first official week of dental school was completed Friday afternoon at 2:30. This week has been very hard, but very fun. I am slowly getting to know my classmates, and have a group of girls I have gotten to be good friends with. One of them is carpooling with me, so that is a big help not only with gas, but it is also nice to have someone to make the 20 mile one-way trip with!

The instructors started every class off with a full day of notes (which I expected), so I have had quite a lot of work to do this week at home. I can already see what is going to be my hardest task--time management! Cooking dinner (and eating it) really cut into the time I could have been studying, but at least it was time I got to spend with my husband. I think this weekend I am going to go ahead and try to prepare some spaghetti and a casserole that my husband can reheat so that we can eat as soon as I get home. That way I can eat and then get started straight away on the studying so that I am not falling asleep while trying to read!

This weekend will be spent mostly studying, but I am planning on trying to reserve most of Sunday for just spending time with my husband, so we will see how that works. We are planning on meeting my carpool buddy and her husband for dinner tomorrow. Mexican, yum!

Hope everyone has had a great week! I hope as I get more used to my schedule I will get to post more than once a week.


Jenny said...

Glad to hear that the first week went well. Oh, and mexican food. That sounds yummy! Maybe I will make that for dinner too!

Mrs. T2 said...

It sounds like your first week went great!!! It is wonderful that you have a group of girls that you can lean on that are also starting dental school!!!

I hope things continue to go well!!! Make sure to take a study break!!!

Destination Beautiful said...

Glad it was a success! It will be nice to have a good group of friends to help you through. Hope you're having a great weekend!

Jenny said...

I hope school is going well! I think you commented a time or two on my blog, or maybe we just have a lot of the same blogging buddies... If you send me your email at: I'll send you an invitation. That'd only be fair!!